Tuesday 24 April 2018

Brushing Off The Apocalypse

So I decided to brush off my Apocalypse idea that has been rumbling around in my brain since I am going back on the night shift hopefully soon. Looking at WikiHow and their 7 Steps to Write Apocalyptic Stories I know my Step one already. It will be as the world is ending, trying to plan for the survival of as many as possible. Step two Decide why the world ended and how. Alright that is a lot more difficult. Time to look up ways the world could end online? NOT a good idea. After an hour of random searching I have given up. Not that I didn’t get a few ideas:


Solar storm destroying electronics. Just one storm could plunge entire cities into darkness by knocking out power grids and bringing down communications networks.

Super Volcano in Yellowstone or Japan or Europe

Global War

Zombies? Let’s face it zombies are everywhere.

My apocalypse needs to be something that will still allow people to live. Something fast enough to devastate governmental programs. Something to get people to want to hunker down together with strangers. Something that possibly still allows for communication. Something long term enough to have to set up crops and schools within the compound building. I think I now remember part of the reason why this idea ended up in storage.

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